Jacqueline Purcell, MBA, MSW, MSCJ
fka Jacqueline Polverari
Executive Director
Jacqueline Purcell, founder of Evolution Reentry Services is a leader with proven successes in criminal justice and research services.
Her experience working with trauma in the criminal justice field culminated through her personal journey over a decade ago. She has since used her professional expertise in business, social work and research, dedicating herself to reinventing reentry and the policies and practices affecting justice impacted individuals. Jacqueline focuses on Criminal Justice Reentry Services specializing in rebuilding lives through employment, housing and education after incarceration.
As a property title researcher for the past 30 years and serves as an expert witness on several complex property disputes. She founded wealth-entry as the only expert in the country focusing on retaining homeownership and wealth through the criminal justice legal system. She has been a featured keynote speaker at several criminal justice, psychology and property title conferences throughout the country.
Jacqueline Purcell is a member of :
- Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS)
- National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA)
- Women's White Collar Defense Association (WWCDA)
- New England Land Title Association (NELTA)
- American Bar Association (ABA)
- National Association of Social Workers (NASW)