Bienvenida a

Reentry Servicios

Development, Change, Advancement, Growth, Rise, Progress & Unity

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Qué hacemos

Evolution… Development, Change, Advancement, Growth, Rise, Progress & Unity

We are dedicated to the evolution of the criminal legal system by providing free support services and creating opportunities for the justice-impacted community. Women and their families facing the legal system are no longer alone in their journey. So many women have feelings of helplessness with shame and guilt leading to isolation. Due to breach of trusts many have been ostracized by families, friends and communities. Evolution is where #youwillbefound and never left to walk alone through the darkest moments of your life.

We Are With You Every Step Of The Way, helping you move forward out of reentry into a new life.

Our team members have walked in your path and understand the journey from start to finish. Until Now, there have been no resources dedicated solely for women facing incarceration or their families and children who also are affected and need support.

We are tearing down reentry as you know it and rebuilding it from the inside out. Our programs and support is unmatched with ground breaking new innovative thinking and programs developed to create community throughout the country. No matter where you are all you have to do is reach out your hand and we are there with resources across the country for any support that is needed. We help prepare you for prison , match you with a mentor inside prison and are waiting for you when you get home, never leaving your family’s side.

Evolution’s support groups are available nationwide online every night of the week focusing on the needs of women, families, the LGBTQIA+ community and our new men’s circle. With Evolution’s support groups, new life skills are born, all while building new relationships within a community who never judges but empowers you.

What does life after prison look like? You will never be stuck in reentry as we are redefining the meaning of reentry to rebuilding successful and meaningful lives. Working alongside you and your family, together we plant new seeds with strong roots for a bright future consisting of a financial reset through education, career building, family reunification, and homeownership.

    The Evolution Promise

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    • We never over promise and under deliver
    • You never pay a fee for guidance and help preparing for prison
    • You never pay a fee to stay connected while inside prison
    • Families will never be left wondering, scared and alone
    • We will help you rebuild your life after prison because you are worthy
    • We vow to always work alongside you together in community.
      We will never walk away if you fall at any point, lifting you up higher each time.
    evolution reentry logo

    Our Mission

    Evolution Reentry Services aims to radically democratize the criminal justice system by creating a community that humanizes justice-impacted women and their families through socially engaged programming, empathy, unique programs, constant support, respect and a welcoming, safe, inclusive environment for all.

    ¡Escúchalo de aquellos a quienes hemos ayudado!

    Justice Impacted Specialists

    Helping those who are justice-impacted and their families navigate the legal system one step at a time.



    "Lo que cuenta no es lo que tenemos en nuestra vida, sino a quién tenemos en nuestra vida". Comienza con la familia. Le ayudaremos a reconectarse con sus familiares e hijos. Proporcionamos a los niños compañeros con quienes hablar que han tenido a su madre encarcelada y saben lo que se siente.


    Contamos con mentoras que han caminado en sus zapatos y entienden su situación sin juzgarla y tienen la experiencia para ayudarle a recorrer los pasos desde la acusación, la sentencia, la preparación para la prisión y el reingreso. Ya no estás solo.

    Mental Health

    Ser arrestado, acusado, juzgado y encarcelado son experiencias traumáticas que pueden conducir a estados psicológicos inestables para todos los involucrados directa o indirectamente. Su profesional de salud mental personal lo entiende... porque lo ha experimentado.

    Interacción social

    Muchas veces las mujeres se aíslan y se sienten solas frente al sistema legal. Inmediatamente se le asignará un grupo de apoyo de mujeres que la acogerán y comprenderán exactamente lo que está experimentando. Somos una comunidad llena de amor para que nunca estés solo.


    With a felony, it is always a challenge to find employment. We help prepare you to get back to work as a productive employee in a field that you love. We offer FREE help and provide a personal employment coach to help you reinvent your new life for new successes.

    Grupos de apoyo

    Everyone needs support to know you are not alone. ERS hosts weekly support groups that are FREE and done virtually. Our support groups are designed to support, educate, and empower women and their families as they navigate through the criminal legal system.

    de las mujeres cumplían los criterios de trastorno por uso de sustancias en el año anterior a su encarcelamiento
    0 %
    de las mujeres tienen más probabilidades de estar desempleadas que de estar empleadas en el mes anterior a su arresto.
    0 %
    de las mujeres se sintieron sin hogar en el año anterior al arresto que llevó a su encarcelamiento
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    de las mujeres encarceladas en los EE. UU. son mujeres de color
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    Millones de niños tienen madres que están en prisión, cárcel o en libertad condicional

    La rueda de la vida

    La rueda de la vida de una mujer es una forma de analizar detenidamente cada faceta de su vida y calificar su nivel de calidad relativo, para que pueda descubrir qué áreas necesitan más atención que otras. Considere cada área como el radio de una rueda: cuando uno de los radios es más corto que los demás, puede desequilibrar todo. Al obtener esta visión de “helicóptero” de su vida, podrá identificar dónde está sobresaliendo y dónde puede mejorar, para descubrir dónde están las brechas entre dónde se encuentra hoy y dónde quiere estar.

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