Camper at Greenville writes in…

April 15, 2020 3:51 pm

Dear Family & Friends,

A letter from the Warden came out today with the following information:

Effective April 13, the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) extended movement restriction until May 18 and then measures will be reevaluated. This means we are in full quarantine in our dorms with no movement outside until May 18.

We will have “access to medical care, showers, phone, video chats and email in small groups at designated times on a limited basis.”

They’ve asked us “to increase our sanitation and hygiene efforts.”

They asked us to wear a mask whenever in a public setting.

Encouraged to avoid touching our face, wash our hands frequently with soap and water in accordance with CDC guidelines.

Campers with an imminent court deadline will be afforded 2/hrs per week on legal work in the library.

Campers DO NOT NEED TO APPLY (even though I have) to be considered for home confinement.  “Case management staff are urgently reviewing all inmates to determine which ones meet the criteria established by Attorney General William Barr.  Department also increased resources to review and make appropriate determinations as soon as possible.”

While campers are being reviewed for suitability, any camper who believes they are eligible may request to be referred to Home Confinement and provide a release plan to the Case Manager (I have done this and am awaiting response).  The BOP may contact family members to gather needed information when making decisions concerning Home Confinement placement.

If I have any further information, I will definitely keep you posted. In the meantime, stay safe. There’s a saying, “if you’ve seen one pandemic, you’ve seen…one pandemic.” Among the few predictions about COVID-19, it seems safe to say that it will become the subject of many histories of its own.

~ Anonymous

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