Sobre nosotras

Development, Change, Advancement, Growth, Rise, Progress & Unity

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Bringing the inside to the outside...
one woman at a time, one family at a time,
one community at a time, one step at a time.

Founded in 2016 by Jacqueline Purcell (Polverari), Evolution Reentry Services is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit comprehensive Criminal Justice services organization that is committed to the evolution of the legal system by breaking barriers related to the stigma of incarceration.

Evolution Reentry Services, through its unique and nationally unduplicated programs and its coordinated and collaborative partnerships with numerous nationwide agencies/community service providers and organizations, is dedicated to rebuilding community-based reentry platforms. We provide for a smooth and seamless transition into society for women and their families. We walk alongside women and their families from the onset of the conviction and stay by their side throughout their journey through the system.

Evolution Reentry Services is the only organization in the country that helps women going to prison and their family members with support through every phase of the legal system eliminating the fear of the unknown. Our weekly support groups allows us to get to know each woman and their family intimately so we can provide what they need to be successful. We accompany them to their sentencing, working alongside their attorney helping ease the emotional anguishes of facing prison. We often speak in their behalf at sentencing and prepare women and their family members for what prison will look and feel like while incarcerated. Due to our extensive network we have the ability to provide a mentor inside prison waiting to help each woman navigate their first few weeks so they are never alone. We work with family members and loved ones during incarceration and help break barriers when they return to their families and communities to help them with basic human dignity and pride.

Evolution Reentry Services understands the need to focus on the well being of family members who have a loved one incarcerated. We have weekly family support groups and mentors for individual family members who have been in the shoes, knowing how they feel and helping them navigate their own emotions.

Evolution Reentry Services is not like every other transactional reentry organization…Evolution Reentry Services is a family that wraps our arms around every other family in their darkest moments and holds them up while never walking away.

Al reunir todos los recursos, organizaciones y programas en un esfuerzo coordinado, Evolution Reentry Services está reinventando el reingreso con un modelo de servicio más sólido para quienes tienen antecedentes penales. A través de este modelo, Evolution Reentry Services se dedica a ayudar a los ciudadanos que regresan a reconstruir sus vidas a través de apoyo en materia de empleo, educación, finanzas y propiedad de vivienda... rompiendo el estigma relacionado con tener antecedentes defectuosos.

Con sede en Connecticut y oficina en Branford, Evolution Reentry Services se dedica a continuar expandiendo su amplia red para ciudadanos que regresan en todo el país cada año. Esta iniciativa de reingreso alienta a los proveedores de servicios y a las partes interesadas estatales a centrarse en brindar soluciones a largo plazo a problemas complejos relacionados con la reintegración comunitaria exitosa de un ciudadano único que regresa y que de otro modo no tendría ninguna red de apoyo.

Una clave para el éxito de la Evolución es el cambio, el desarrollo, el crecimiento, el ascenso y el progreso. Estamos dedicados a esa evolución personal educando a la comunidad sobre cómo ayudar a las mujeres a reinsertarse exitosamente en la sociedad. En particular, Evolution Reentry Services enfatiza la importancia de ayudar a las mujeres que regresan del encarcelamiento a reconstruir todos los aspectos de sus vidas trabajando hacia la libertad definitiva.

women together

ImpaCTful women award Finalist

FOX61 y United Way unieron fuerzas para reconocer y honrar a personas, grupos y organizaciones que hacen una contribución significativa a la atención médica, la vivienda, el empoderamiento financiero y/o el sector educativo en Connecticut. Este evento de gala tuvo como objetivo generar conciencia y recursos para beneficiar el bienestar de niños, adultos y familias en las comunidades donde vivimos y trabajamos. Jacqueline Purcell, Directora Ejecutiva de Evolution Reentry Services fue finalista del Premio Mujer Impactante
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