virus, protection, coronavirus

From: an inmate at Alderson FPC

I was told today that they are only sending people home that are minimum risk and have completed 50% of their sentence. They have been having people sign their papers to be recommended to be released to halfway house/home confinement/FLM May 1st – just yesterday like 4 ladies I my unit alone signed. So I doubt that I will be released, even though I am minimum risk, I’ve only done 10 months of my 27 month sentence, unless my relocation paperwork has been magically been approved.

We got a memo from the BOP Director today saying that we will be able to make free phone calls, but really she just reiterated things we have already been told. We are all required to wear masks any tie we are out of our cubes as well.

As of right now, no inmates or staff here at Alderson have the virus either.

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